Let's Connect


Business Objective

Kajaria Ceramics is the largest manufacturer of ceramic/vitrified tiles in India was looking to increase the footfall to their Offline Stores and Increase SOV for Brand Keywords.

Our Approach

  • We created multiple Local campaign by targeting their Stores locations
  • Created Brand Campaign for Mobile & Desktop separately and Bid aggressively on targeted Keywords to Improve SOV & outrank the competitors
  • Target user who were actively searching for Best Tiles in India, Nearby Tiles, Tiles Showroom Near Me, Kajaria Tile Showroom & other Brand Keywords in respective targeted regions
  • Remarket to those audience who had visited our website but didn’t took any action. Created LAL & custom audience set for users who have availed our services
  • Different creative formats – (Video, Banners, Text) was used to attract customer to take action


  • Our store visit conversion rate improved by 45%
  • Get Direction on google map numbers increased by 450/Month
  • Impression share improved by 30%
  • Avg. CPC improved by 25%
  • ClicksToCall has been increased by 18%
Let's Connect

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