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How to Increase Organic Traffic The Smart Way
upendra chansoria August 9, 2022 915 views

Increasing organic site visits is anything but a breeze, and that is what 61% of marketers consider the most difficult challenge at work. But is that so, in reality? 

Maximising organic web traffic is the dream of business owners and marketers. After all, it is the single-most success metric of an SEO strategy and directly impacts the bottom line. The more the number of organic visitors to your website, the more likely they will convert – that too at an optimised cost. Here, simply plugging in a typical SEO or PPC plan will not work. As a brand, one needs to understand the traffic, i.e., the audience, and optimise for it rather than the search engine.

So, how can you do that? Here are eight smart tips on how to increase website traffic organically as recommended by our SEO services experts:

8 Tips For How to Increase Website Traffic Organically

1. Employ Long-Tail Keywords

If you want to understand how to attract visitors to your website, writing A-grade content is just half the fight. Concentrating on long-tail keywords during keyword research significantly boosts organic traffic. Lengthy phrases, such as “restaurants in Lagos” or “top WordPress security plugins,” are long-tail keywords.

2. Influencer Marketing.

Most people who have influence have many followers who interact with them often. An enormous amount of free, organic visitors may be attracted to your site if they talk about and suggest your company. In addition, they may develop fresh material just for your company’s profile. If you’re a small company, having an influencer promote your products or services might help you reach a wider audience.

This strategy is becoming the best solution to “how to increase website traffic organically” question of business owners and the general public.

Also Read: SEO Brings Your Business Traffic

3. On-Page Search Engine Optimization

To discover how to get people to visit your website, you need to do more than create and publish unique content; you also need to optimize your pages for search engines.

Image, headline optimization, and HTML tag are all a part of on-page SEO and SEO Services. Get the most out of your title tags and meta description while ensuring your photos complement your text. Header tags improve readability, which in turn may affect search engine results. As a result, your on-page SEO efforts will provide more visitors and a higher ranking on search engine results pages. A reputed SEO agency in India can also help you achieve the desired results.

4. Act on Non-Performing Content

How to increase organic traffic on the website, and what is non-performing content? When a website’s content isn’t operating as intended, we say it’s non-performing. This might lead to significant delays and hurt your search engine rankings. That’s because SERPs get stuck when crawling your site and give up before reaching its meat.

As part of any successful content strategy, eliminating underperforming pages is essential. It helps your site’s most valuable articles rise to the top of search engine results pages, where they may attract more of your target audience for free.

5. Become a Guest Writer!

Blogging as a guest is a two-way street. You and other bloggers in your field may benefit from exchanging guest posts on each other’s sites, thus getting to dip into each other’s readership and leverage from an audience exchange.

6. Make Videos and Share Them

Making great content for your website is just the beginning of a successful digital content strategy and the best answer to how to get more organic traffic questions. You should also consider adapting that content to other mediums, such as audio and video, and this can boost sales and bring in new visitors from natural search results.

Also Read: Working With Your SEO Service Provider

7. Expansion of social media

It’s important to be forceful while using social media as a content marketing tool. First, you must communicate with your social media followers to earn their trust and develop a relationship with them. This will increase the likelihood that they will forward your material to their networks, improving your site’s exposure.

8. Answer Questions

Instead of writing a general piece on a subject, find out what specific queries people have about it by searching Google. Most people posting here are business owners searching for advice on a particular issue. Content-based on genuine user inquiries is a sure way to increase organic site traffic.


The mentioned strategies will help you construct a successful free or organic traffic plan and find the right path to solve “how to improve organic search traffic” mystery. It might take a while to see benefits from social media marketing strategies, including social media posts, videos, and guest posts. It may not happen as soon as you’d want, especially if you’re a new website owner. However, persisting with high-quality content will pay off in the long run via organic visitors.

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